Saturday, April 27, 2013

thing 20


To the young lady that brought this to class for her website of the day, THANK YOU!!! I love this video!

For those that aren't paying attention, I'm a French major. When I first saw this, I fell in love with it for several reasons. 1. I love it because it is a great guide for learning about the French Revolution and it makes learning fun. Most people I talk to despise history of any kind. Presenting it in this way makes it interesting. I think I would use this as a lead in to talking about the French Revolution and refer back to it as much as possible to keep my class's attention. 2. My Livetext project has a lot to do with French history, but, it has really focused on the Revolution. So, it's really a great resource. I even used this as the "reward" at the end of my interactive PowerPoint.

One really cool aspect of Youtube is that it's really easy to search. Even if you don't know the name of what you're looking for, if you type in what it might be called, it'll usually pop up. Plus, at the end of the videos, it gives you suggestions of things you might like based on what you just saw. That kind of makes life easier for educators because if we look up something like this video above, we might get a few others about similar subject matter that would be a great supplement. One thing about Youtube now is that there are a lot of ads these days. But, the longer ones have a built it skip option after a few seconds, so, it's really not that bad. 

Something that would be nifty to add to the library website is the thing that give suggestions based on your browsing history. So, if I searched stuff like "how to teach French history" a lot, I would have a lot of suggestions on how to teach history or French, or both on the library website every time I got on. It would give it a more personalized feel.

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